What Does the Bible Say About Intimate Relationships?

The husband must fulfill his conjugal duty to his wife, and so must the wife to her husband. Do not deprive yourselves of each other, except by mutual agreement for a time, so that you can devote yourselves to prayer. Marriage is a sacred bond between two people, and it is important to understand what the Bible says about it. Popular movies and television shows often present material that does not align with biblical standards.

Reflecting on Bible verses about relationships can be as beneficial as studying Bible verses about pain during times of loss or Bible verses about anxiety during times of stress. One of my favorite Bible verses about sex is “And the man and his wife were naked and not ashamed.” These Bible verses about sex can help us to re-establish the biblical views that are often overshadowed by the culture around us. If you don't know the specific passage you're looking for, you can visit the Bible online to search for words. Couples should not be ashamed to experience the depth of intimacy that they were blessed to share with one another.

May these Bible verses about sex open our eyes not to be ashamed of the word, but to strengthen ourselves to love and be loved in such a special way with our spouse. All quotes from the Scriptures, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Holy Bible, the standard version in English.

Reginald Thomson
Reginald Thomson

Reverend Thomson is a pastor and Bible scholar with over 10 years of experience in ministry and biblical studies. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religious Studies, a Master of Divinity degree. As a Bible scholar, Rev Thomson has published numerous articles and books on various topics in biblical studies, including hermeneutics, exegesis, and biblical theology. He is widely respected for his expertise in the original languages of the Bible, and he is frequently invited to speak at conferences and seminars on biblical scholarship. He loves working with his church youth group. He is a frequent guest on the Scripture for Todaypodcast.

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